Whether it’s ARO planning, carbon offsets or even the municipal taxes involving inactive sites, Compass helps you manage the numbers that matter.
“Before using Compass I spent so much money on abandonments, but the ARO didn’t reflect the spend. Why? It was impossible to see the impact the work had.”
– WCSB Operator
Simplifying ARO Spend and Liability Management
For a long time, we listened to our customers frustration when trying to explain annual ARO spend to their stakeholders using a spreadsheet as a roadmap. In response, we developed the Compass ARO Waterfall. Now at a glance, dynamic changes at a category level can be understood immediately.
Likewise, understanding cross-category enterprise liability has always been a tough problem to relate to at scale. We addressed this challenge by combining perpetual asset data updates with asset inventory tracking and site-specific liability detail to provide a better lens through which to view the problem.